Generally it seems I mix up two letter words, I often place an 'it' where it should be an 'in', 'as', 'at' or 'is'. I don't know why I do this but I do. So, to all my Friday readers, sorry about the errors you have had to put up with for the past few weeks. I have no problems with longer words like anthropomorphising or antidisestablishmentarianism which I can easily spell with minimum of fuss, it is the silly things like writing 'my' when I mean 'may' or 'think' when I mean 'thing'. Maybe it is because my mind works faster than I can type it in, ergo mistakes do happen.
The edited versions of all my posts appear here at about seven o'clock in the evening, on the day of the post, once my father has informed me of all of my mistakes. You would probably be best advised not bothering calling in to read until after you've had your dinner and watched Emmerdale. I trust you all watch Emmerdale, don't know why I felt the need to include a picture of the opening of the show but for those who don't know what Emmerdale is there you go, it is that --->
So, as I said, this week we shouldn't have those problems, you can read this one before Emmerdale if you like, although you won't know that until now. So if you are reading this before Emmerdale, the Woolpack burns down in tonight's episode and if you're reading this after you've watched Emmerdale, then was it good? Did you enjoy it? You do know that isn't even really Andy's Land Rover don't you.
It seems this blog has turned into me wittering on about a TV show that very few of you actually watch but here is the little secret, I watch it... and on that bombshell here it is Quote of the Week!
Quote of the Week:
This weeks episode of my blog was proofread by Bernard Johnson
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