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Thursday, 3 February 2011

Yet another distraction in my life.

Ever feel like you spend half you time planning to do things and the other half avoiding doing them? Well I do, I seem to always find something more important to do than what I planned.

Tomorrow, for example, was planned as a work day for me, but I managed to find something "more important" to do. Okay I do need to do what I've now planned, which is taking my MacBook to the Apple store to get a repair done but it is usually something much less important.

Today I planned to work from 9 until 3, I got up and to work early making a start at 8.30! Great! But by 11 I was running out of motivation so I decided I would take a break maybe practice my archery for half an hour then get back to work. It is now 8.15pm and I still haven't gotten back to it, although I have checked my emails, facebook and twitter about 5 times each.

This leads me to believe that today we have our priorities all wrong. It is way to easy to procrastinate with useless things, I know I'm not the only person that has honed this idleness to a fine art. I put in so much effort in avoiding working on things that it seems to be my job. I am a professional procrastinator! And this blog is just another tool in my endless struggle to always look busy whilst doing very little.

I'm even thinking about leaving this very blog until later, maybe get a drink and check my emails which might mean replying to people, I just checked twitter and facebook so I don't need to check them now, although someone might have posted something new... it wasn't always like this, during my Master's degree I planned things and stuck to the plans, even a few months ago I was better, working 9 til 5 sometimes longer. Over the last few weeks I have slipped back into the ways of the idle, however admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery, I'll sort it all out tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. I think procrastination can be good sometimes, it helps us to see what we're really interested in? New directions etc? :-)

    I see what you mean about discovering new things, I totally forgot until now that I have a google account and I couldn't remember why! xxx
